Which of the following is NOT a clinical feature of Pierre-Robin syndrome ?
(A) Micrognathia
(B) Retrognathia
(C) Glossoptosis
(D) Coloboma of lower eyelid
Most common primary malignant bone tumor is_______________?
(A) Osteosarcoma
(B) Ewing sarcoma
(C) Metastatic carcinoma
(D) Multiple Myeloma
Histopathologically reversal lines are seen in_____________?
(A) Cherubism
(B) Fibrous dysplasia
(C) Paget’s disease of the bone
(D) Craniofacial dysplasia
Osteosarcoma characteristically may develop in some causes of______________?
(A) Osteopetrosis
(B) Osteogenesis imperfecta
(C) Acromegaly
(D) Osteitis deformans
Polydactyly, craniosynostosis, late closure of fontanelles is a feature of_______________?
(A) Apert’s syndrome
(B) Crouzon’s syndrome
(C) Pierre robin syndrome
(D) Down syndrome
Preauricular pain, grating sensation and partial trismus are the symptons of______________?
(A) TMJ fibrous ankylosis
(B) TMJ bony ankylosis
(C) TMJ pain dysfurction symdnome
(D) Ear infection
Venous malformation involving the leptomeninges of the cerebral cortex is salient feature of_____________?
(A) Rendu-Osler-Weber disease
(B) Maffuci’s syndrome
(C) Angioosteohypertrophy syndrome
(D) Sturge weber syndrome
Osteosclerosis of bone occurs due to______________?
(A) Decreased host resistance
(B) Increase in the virulence of organisms causes infection
(C) Increased host response
(D) Occurs in immunocompromised patients
Treacher collins syndrome is______________?
(A) Maxillofacial Dysostosis
(B) Mandibulofacial Dysostosis
(C) Maxillomandibulofacial Dysostosis
(D) Condylar Dysostosis
In Cleidorcranial dysostosis, sometimes the roots of the permanent teeth are_____________?
(A) Thin and long
(B) thin and short
(C) Thick and short
(D) Fused