Toxoids are_________________?

(A) antigenic and toxic

(B) antigenic and non-toxic

(C) non-antigenic and toxic

(D) non-antigenic and non-toxic

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

IgG has subclasses_______________?

(A) 1

(B) 2

(C) 3

(D) 4

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Adjuvant given along with antigens are going to________________?

(A) Increase toxigenicity

(B) Increase antigenicity

(C) Reduce the antigenicity

(D) reduce the toxigenicity

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Who first introduced solid media_______________?

(A) Louis pasteur

(B) Robert koch

(C) Hensen

(D) Ogston

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Sterilization of liquid paraffin is done by______________?

(A) Autoclaving

(B) Hot air oven

(C) UV-Radiation

(D) Inspissation

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Glutaraldehyde is preferred more than formaldehyde because______________?

(A) It has got more bactericidal activity

(B) It has got more bacteriostatic activity

(C) It has got no deleterious effect on the cement and lenses of instruments

(D) Its application is easier

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Best method of sterilizing disposable syringes_______________?

(A) Hot air oven

(B) U.V. rays

(C) Gamma rays

(D) Boiling

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A type of immediately occuring reaction in which antigens combine with antibodies already attached to the surface of mast cells and basophils is called_____________?

(A) Type I hypersensitivity

(B) Type II hypersensitivity

(C) Type III hypersensitivity

(D) Type IV hypersensitivity

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Tyndallisation is carried out for________________?

(A) One day

(B) Two successive days

(C) 60 minutes

(D) Three successive days

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Sunlight acts as sterilizing agent because_________________?

(A) Long wavelength

(B) short wave lenght

(C) Ozone

(D) Heat

Submitted By: Ali Uppal