Immunoglobulin consists of________________?
(A) 2 light, 2 heavy chains
(B) 1 heavy, 2 light chains
(C) 1 light, 1 heavy chain
(D) 3 light, 1 heavy chain
Secretory piece of IgA is synthesized in______________?
(A) T-cells
(B) B-cells
(C) Lymph nodes
(D) Mucosal epithelium
VDRL is a________________?
(A) Slide flocculation test
(B) Tube flocculation test
(C) Tube agglutination test
(D) Latex agglutination test
Sterilisation control for moist heat is “or” The efficacy of the moist heat sterilization technique commonly used to sterlilize laboratory ware and culture media is tested by using_______________?
(A) using Bacillus stearo thermo philus
(B) Using non-pathogenic strain of clostridium tetani
(C) Using chemical indicator
(D) Using methylene blue
B.C.G untrue is_____________?
(A) live vaccine
(B) T.B vaccine
(C) Orally administered
(D) All of the above
First released immunoglobulin after primary immunization_______________?
(A) IgD
(B) IgE
(C) IgG
(D) IgM
Exaltation is________________?
(A) Decreased virulence
(B) Increased Virulence
(C) No change
(D) None
Bacteria with tuft of flagella at one end are called_______________?
(A) Monotrichate
(B) Peritrichate
(C) Bipolar
(D) Lophotrichate
One of the following staining methods is an example of negative staining_______________?
(A) Gram’s staining
(B) Fontana’s staining
(C) India ink preparation
(D) Zheil-Neilson’s staining
Noguchi’s medium is used for________________?
(A) Bordetella
(B) Brucella
(C) Borrelia
(D) None of the above