Which of the following is a phospholipid________________?

(A) Glycogen

(B) Sphingomyelin

(C) Prostaglandin

(D) Oleic acid

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

FSH, LH, TSH acts through_________________?

(A) Cyclic AMP

(B) Cyclic GMP

(C) Adenosine cyclate

(D) Calcium release

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The best technique useful for initial viral load estimation is________________?

(A) Real time PCR

(B) Widal test

(C) Electrophoresis

(D) Immunofluoresence

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Free radicals can be inactivated by the following enzymes EXCEPT__________________?

(A) Glutathione peroxidase

(B) Catalase

(C) Superoxide dismutase

(D) Myeloperoxidase

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The fluid mosaic model of membrane structure was proposed by_______________?

(A) Watson and Crick

(B) Edwarg Angle

(C) G.V Black

(D) Singer and Nicolson

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The transmembrane adhesive molecules present in hemi desmosomes which specifically binds to basal lamina glycoprotein laminin are______________?

(A) Integrin a6-B4

(B) The catenins desmoplakin

(C) cadherins desmoglein

(D) a and B catenin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is the best site of absorption of calcium ?

(A) Proximal segment of small intestine

(B) Middle segment of small intestine

(C) Ascending colon

(D) Ileum

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Transport form of iron is______________?

(A) Transferrin

(B) Ferritin

(C) Apoferritin

(D) Lactoferrin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal