Biochemistry Mcqs

Which of the organelles contain DNA_________________?

(A) Nucleus

(B) Nucleolus

(C) Golgi apparatus

(D) Ribsomes

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A balanced diet consists of______________?

(A) 20% proteins, 25% fats, 50% carbohydrates

(B) 20% proteins, 35% fats, 45% carbohydrates

(C) 25% proteins, 25% fats, 50% carbohydrates

(D) 35% proteins, 15% fats, 50% carbohydrates

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is not a second messenger ?

(A) c AMP

(B) c GMP

(C) Phosphatidyl inosital

(D) Phosphatidyl glycerol

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The precursor of testosterone is_____________?

(A) Aldosterone

(B) Methyl testosterone

(C) Estrogen

(D) Pregnenolone

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The immediate precursor of norepinephrine is______________?

(A) Epinephrine

(B) Tyrosine

(C) Dopamine

(D) Phenylalanine

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is precursor of adrenaline and thyroxine synthesis ?

(A) Phenyl alanine

(B) Tyrosine

(C) Tryptophan

(D) None of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Normal blood bilirubin level is______________?

(A) 0.5 – 1 mg%

(B) 1 – 3 mg%

(C) 3 – 4 mg%

(D) 4 – 5.5 mg%

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Bile acids are formed from__________?

(A) Cholesterol

(B) Aminoacids

(C) Bilirubin

(D) Lipoproteins

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The following is not a phospholipid______________?

(A) Sphingomyelin

(B) Lecithin

(C) Cerebroside

(D) Cephalin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The normal level of serum cholesterol is_______________?

(A) 100-140 mgs/100 ml

(B) 260-360 mgs/100 ml

(C) 150-250 mgs/100 ml

(D) 80-250 mgs/100 ml

Submitted By: Ali Uppal