Chemistry Mcqs

95% ethanol is called_________________?

(A) methylated spirit

(B) wood spirit

(C) rectified spirit

(D) absolute alcohol

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following technique is simple and efficient to purify a substance____________________?

(A) Filtration

(B) Sublimation

(C) Crystallization

(D) Solvent extraction

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Separation of a solid from its hot saturated solution by cooling is called__________________?

(A) vapourization

(B) solvent extraction

(C) filtration

(D) crystallization

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Sintered crucible is made up of________________?

(A) Plastic

(B) glass

(C) porcetain

(D) fiber

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Gooch Crucibles are made up of________________?

(A) plastic

(B) fibre

(C) porcelain

(D) steel

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The solid which is left over the filter paper as a result of filtration_________________?

(A) Insoluble particles

(B) residue

(C) crystals

(D) mud

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Estimation of amounts of different components in a sample is________________?

(A) Quantitative analysis

(B) Qualitative analysis

(C) Stochiometery

(D) Physical chemistry

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Branch of chemistry that deals with the complete qualitative and quantitative analysis of a substance is___________________?

(A) Stoichio chemistry

(B) Physical chemistry

(C) Analytical chemistry

(D) Quantum chemistry

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The tip of funnel should touch the wall of the breaker in order to avoid____________________?

(A) Inconsistent flow of filtration

(B) splashing

(C) premature crystallization

(D) all of above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Size of filter paper is selected according to the amount of__________________?

(A) solution

(B) amount of insoluble solute

(C) amount of soluble solute

(D) Amount of solvent

Submitted By: Ali Uppal