The triangular space formed between the extrados and the horizontal line drawn through the crown of an arch is known as_____________________?
(A) haunch
(B) spandril
(C) voussoirs
(D) skewbacks
The vertical posts placed at the top and bottom ends of a flight supporting the hand rail are known as_________________?
(A) balusters
(B) newal posts
(C) balustrades
(D) railings
Minimum width of landing should be_______________?
(A) equal to width of stairs
(B) half the width of stairs
(C) twice the width of stairs
(D) one fourth the width of stairs
The maximum number of steps in a flight should generally be restricted to______________?
(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 15
(D) no limit
Sum of tread and rise must lie between_______________?
(A) 300 to 350 mm
(B) 400 to 450 mm
(C) 500 to 550 mm
(D) 600 to 650 mm
In any good staircase, the maximum and minimum pitch respectively should be_____________?
(A) 90° and 0°
(B) 75° and 30°
(C) 60° and 10°
(D) 40° and 25°
The function of king post in a king post roof truss is_______________?
(A) to support the frame work of the roof
(B) to receive the ends of principal rafter
(C) to prevent the walls from spreading outward
(D) to prevent the tie beam from sagging at its centre
Couple close roof is suitable for maximum span of______________?
(A) 2.5 m
(B) 3.5 m
(C) 4.5 m
(D) 5.5 m
The function of cleats in a roof truss is______________?
(A) to support the common rafter
(B) to support purlins
(C) to prevent the purlins from tilting
(D) all of the above
Higher pitch of the roof (1) results in stronger roof (2) results in weaker roof (3) requires more covering material (4) requires less covering material The correct answer is___________?
(A) (1) and (3)
(B) (1) and (4)
(C) (2) and (3)
(D) (2) and (4)