Civil Engineering Mcqs

the column head support a flat slab, is generally kept The diameter of_____________?

(A) 0.25 times the span length

(B) 0.25 times the diameter of the column

(C) 4.0 cm larger than the diameter of the column

(D) 5.0 cm larger than the diameter of the column

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The load stress of a section can be reduced by______________?

(A) Decreasing the lever arm

(B) Increasing the total perimeter of bars

(C) Replacing larger bars by greater number of small bars

(D) Replacing smaller bars by greater number of greater bars

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following statements is correct ?

(A) Uniformity coefficient represents the shape of the particle size distribution curve

(B) For a well graded soil, both uniformity coefficient and coefficient of curvature are nearly unity

(C) A soil is said to be well graded if it has most of the particles of about the same size

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Select the correct statement?

(A) A uniform soil has more strength and stability than a non-uniform soil

(B) A uniform soil has less strength and stability than a non-uniform soil

(C) Uniformity coefficient does not affect strength and stability

(D) Uniformity coefficient of a poorly graded soil is more than that of a well graded soil

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

To ensure uniform pressure distribution, the thickness of the foundation, is__________________?

(A) Kept uniform throughout

(B) Increased gradually towards the edge

(C) Decreased gradually towards the edge

(D) Kept zero at the edge

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A pre-stressed concrete member is preferred because___________________?

(A) Its dimensions are not decided from the diagonal tensile stress

(B) Large size of long beams carrying large shear force need not be adopted

(C) Removal of cracks in the members due to shrinkage

(D) All the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

An R.C.C. beam of 6 m span is 30 cm wide and has a lever arm of 55 cm. If it carries a U.D.L. of 12 t per m and allowable shear stress is 5 kg/cm2, the beam________________?

(A) Is safe in shear

(B) Is safe with stirrups

(C) Is safe with stirrups and inclined bars

(D) Needs revision of section

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The width of the flange of a L-beam, should be less than______________?

(A) One- sixth of the effective span

(B) Breadth of the rib + four times thickness of the slab

(C) Breadth of the rib + half clear distance between ribs

(D) Least of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal