English Mcqs

"An arm and a leg" means _________?

(A) Full throttle; at maximum speed

(B) Very cheap or inexpensive. A little amount of money

(C) Very expensive or costly. A large amount of money

(D) One made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic, or stress

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

"Elephant in the room" means _________?

(A) An obvious, pressing issue left unaddressed due to its sensitive nature

(B) In good physical health

(C) Someone can perceive things and events that are outside of their field of vision

(D) You learned something through means of a rumor

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

"Achilles' heel" means ________?

(A) To action a task; to initiate work

(B) A metaphor for a fatal weakness in spite of overall strength

(C) A hidden or secret strength, or unrevealed advantage

(D) To endure a painful or unpleasant situation that is unavoidable

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Synonym of "cryptic" is ____________.

(A)   obscure

(B)   written

(C)   copied

(D)   dead

(D)   puzzling

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

He says, " They will hurt you".

(A)   He said to me that they will hurt me.

(B)   He said to me that they would be hurt me.

(C)   He said to me that they would hurt you.

(D)   He said to me that they would hurt m

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

"Your guess is as good as mine" means __________?

(A)   Join a popular trend or activity

(B)   To hear something from the authoritative source

(C)   To know the answer

(D)   To have no idea

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

"At the drop of the hat" means____________?

(A)   As soon as it was spoken

(B)   Done easily, without any preparation

(C)   Done in an instant

(D)   After something is done

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A doctor who treats children is called __________.

(A)   Pedophile

(B)   Fatalist

(C)   Pediatrician

(D)   Pedagogue

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

"Far cry from" means __________?

(A)   To present a counter argument

(B)   To take on a task that is way to big

(C)   The show has come to an end. It’s all over

(D)   Very different from

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

"Wild goose chase" _________?

(A)   A foolish and hopeless search for or pursuit of something unattainable

(B) To take credit for something someone else did

(C) To not take what someone says too seriously; to treat someone’s words with a degree of skepticism

(D) A phrase implying that one is not proficient at performing a particular task and that they should not try to perform the task professionally

Submitted By: Ali Uppal