Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

Which of the following variables controls the physical properties of a perfect gas_________________?

(A) pressure

(B) temperature

(C) volume

(D) all of the above

(D) atomic mass

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The unit of time in S.I. units is__________________?

(A) second

(B) minute

(C) hour

(D) day

(D) year.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following laws is applicable for the behavior of a perfect gas__________________?

(A) Boyle’s law

(B) Charles’law

(C) Gay-Lussac law

(D) all of the above

(D) Joule’s law

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The unit of temperature in S.I. units is _________________?

(A) Centigrade

(B) Celsius

(C) Fahrenheit

(D) Kelvin

(D) Rankine

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The unit of length in S.I. units is________________?

(A) meter

(B) centimeter

(C) kilometer

(D) millimeter

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

According to Gay-Lussac law for a perfect gas, the absolute pressure of given mass varies directly as____________________?

(A) temperature

(B) absolute

(C) absolute temperature, if volume is kept constant

(D) volume, if temperature is kept constant

(D) remains constant,if volume and temperature are kept constant

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following can be regarded as gas so that gas laws could be applicable, within the commonly encountered temperature limits ?

(A) 02, N2, steam, C02

(B) Oz, N2, water vapour

(C) S02, NH3, C02, moisture

(D) 02, N2, H2, air

(D) steam vapours, H2, C02

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A closed system is one in which_________________________?

(A) mass does not cross boundaries of the system, though energy may do so

(B) mass crosses the boundary but not the energy

(C) neither mass nor energy crosses the boundaries of the system

(D) both energy and mass cross the boundaries of the system

(D) thermodynamic reactions take place

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

According to kinetic theory of gases, the absolute zero temperature is attained when___________________?

(A) volume of the gas is zero

(B) pressure of the gas is zero

(C) kinetic energy of the molecules is zero

(D) specific heat of gas is zero

(D) mass is zero

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Endurance limit or fatigue limit is the maximum stress that a member can withstand for an infinite number of load applications without failure when subjected to________________?

(A) dynamic loading

(B) static loading

(C) combined static and dynamic loading

(D) completely reversed loading

(D) all of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal