Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

The fuel in diesel engine is normally injected at pressure of_________________?

(A) 5-10 kg/cm2

(B) 20-25 kg/cm2

(C) 60-80 kg/cm2

(D) 90-130 kg/cm2

(D) 150-250 kg/cm2

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The maximum temperature in the I.C. engine cylinder is of the order of ________________?

(A) 500- 1000°C

(B) 1000- 1500°C

(C) 1500-2000°C

(D) 2000-2500°C

(D) 2500-3000°C

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The pressure and temperature at the end of compression stroke in a petrol engine are of the order of___________________?

(A) 4 – 6 kg/cm2 and 200 – 250°C

(B) 6 – 12 kg/cm2 and 250 – 350°C

(C) 12 – 20 kg/cm2 and 350 – 450°C

(D) 20 – 30 kg/cm2 and 450 – 500°C

(D) 30 – 40 kg/cm2 and 500 – 700°C

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In case of gas turbines, the gaseous fuel consumption guarantees are based on________________?

(A) high heat value

(B) low heat value

(C) net calorific value

(D) middle heat value

(D) calorific value

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Fuel oil consumption guarantees for I .C. engine are usually based on__________________?

(A) low heat value of oil

(B) high heat value of oil

(C) net calorific value of oil

(D) calorific value of fuel

(D) all of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

All heat engines utilize_____________________?

(A) low heat value of oil

(B) high heat value of oil

(C) net claorific value of oil

(D) calorific value of fuel

(D) all of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The calorific value of gaseous fuels is expressed in terms of__________________?

(A) kcal

(B) kcal/kg

(C) kcal/m2

(D) kcal/m²

(D) all of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A heat engine utilises the_________________?

(A) calorific value of oil

(B) low heat value of

(C) high heat value of oil

(D) mean heat value of oil

(D) all of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The rating of a diesel engine, with increase in airintlet temperature, will ___________________?

(A) increase linearly

(B) decrease linearly

(C) increase parabolically

(D) decrease parabolically

(D) first decrease linearly and then increase parabolically

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal