Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

In a centrifugal pump, the liquid enters the pump__________________?

(A) at the top

(B) at the bottom

(C) at the center

(D) from sides

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In centrifugal pumps, maximum efficiency is obtained when the blades are_________________?

(A) straight

(B) bent forward

(C) bent backward

(D) radial

(D) given aerofoil section

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The optimum value of vane exit angle for a centrifugal pump impeller is_________________?

(A) 10-15°

(B) 20-25°

(C) 30-40°

(D) 50-60°

(D) 80-90°.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Air vessels in reciprocating pump are used to__________________?

(A) smoothen flow

(B) reduce acceleration to minimum

(C) increase pump efficiency

(D) save pump from cavitation

(D) increase pump head

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In axial flow fans and turbines, fluid enters and leaves as follows________________?

(A) radially, axially

(B) axially, radially

(C) axially, axially

(D) radially, radially

(D) combination of axial and radial

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The angle of taper on draft tube is A. greater than 15° B. greater than 8° C. greater than 5° D. less than 8° E. less than 3°.___________________?

(A) greater than 15°

(B) greater than 8°

(C) greater than 5°

(D) less than 8°

(D) less than 3°.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Reaction turbines are used for____________________?

(A) low head

(B) high head

(C) high head and low discharge

(D) high head and high discharge

(D) low head and high discharge

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The flow rate in gear pump___________________?

(A) increases with increase in pressure

(B) decreases with increase in pressure

(C) more or less remains constant with in-crease in pressure

(D) unpredictable

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Guide angle as per the aerofoil theory of Kaplan turbine blade design is defined as the angle between_________________?

(A) lift and resultant force

(B) drag and resultant force

(C) lift and tangential force

(D) lift and drag

(D) resultant force and tangential force

Submitted By: Ali Uppal