Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

The nuclear power plant at Tarapur has the following reactor________________?

(A) fast breeder

(B) pressurised water

(C) boiling water

(D) sodium graphite

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Reflector in nuclear plants is used to________________?

(A) return the neutrons back into the core

(B) shield the radioactivity completely

(C) check polllution

(D) conserve energy

(D) is not used

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The commonly used material for shielding is__________________?

(A) lead or concrete

(B) lead and tin

(C) graphite or cadmium

(D) thick galvanised sheets

(D) black carbon papers

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Plutonium-239 is produced__________________?

(A) as basic raw material

(B) by neutron irradiation of IT*

(C) by neutron irradiation of thorium

(D) artificially

(D) in high capacity furnaces

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Pick up the wrong statement Fast breeder reactors__________________?

(A) operate at extremely high power densities.

(B) are liquid-metal cooled

(C) produce more fuel than they consume

(D) are unmoderated

(D) use water as coolant

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The unit of radio-activity is_____________?

(A) electron-volt

(B) electron-ampere

(C) curie

(D) MeV


Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Uranium-233 is produced__________________?

(A) as basic raw material

(B) by neutron irradiation of Uz

(C) by neutron irradiation of thorium

(D) artificially

(D) in high capacity furnaces

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Plutonium is produced________________?

(A) as basic raw material

(B) by neutron irradiation of Uz

(C) by neutron irradiation of throium

(D) artificially

(D) in high capacity furnace

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Natural uranium is made up of__________________?

(A) 99.282% U238, 0.712% U235, 0.006% U234

(B) 99.282% U235, 0.712% U238, 0.06%’ U234

(C) 99.282% U234, 0.712% U238, 0.006% U235

(D) 99.282% U235, 0.712% U234, 0.006% U238

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Enriched uranium may contain fissionable contents of the order of__________________?

(A) 1-99%

(B) 1-25%

(C) 1-50%

(D) 1-75%

(D) 1-90%.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal