Which of the following is a derived a derived protein_____________?

(A) Protamines

(B) Peptones

(C) Prolamines

(D) Lactalbumin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Amino acids excreted in the urine in cystinosis______________?

(A) Cystine

(B) Ornithine

(C) Arginine

(D) Lysine

(D) All of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which is the by product of the urea cycle_______________?

(A) Aspartate

(B) Succinate

(C) Ornithine

(D) Fumarate

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Urinary protein is detected by______________?

(A) Barfoed test

(B) Hay’s test

(C) Boiling test

(D) Ehrlich’s test

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Urea is produced by the enzyme_____________?

(A) Urease

(B) Uricase

(C) Arginase

(D) Glutaminase

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Iron is complexed in haemoglobin to_______________?

(A) Leucine

(B) Histidine

(C) Isoleucine

(D) Valine

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

At PH 7 the binding of 2,3 DPG to hemoglobin occurs at which site ?

(A) Sulphydryl group

(B) Carboxy terminal

(C) Amino terminal

(D) Histidine

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

False statement about haemoglobin structure________________?

(A) Hb has 2 polypeptide chains

(B) Iron is present in ferrous state

(C) Hb structurally similar to myoglobin

(D) Ferrous ions are in porphyrin rings

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The following is not a carrier protein________________?

(A) Cerruloplasmin

(B) Transferrin

(C) Transcobalamine

(D) Haptoglobulin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Urea is formed in_____________?

(A) Brain

(B) Kidney

(C) Liver

(D) Intestine

Submitted By: Ali Uppal