Earth rotates the sun in___________
(A) 23 hours 56 min 4 sec
(B) 24 hours
(C) 23 hours 57 min 9 sec
(D) Non of above
Air Conditioning Controls:___________
(A) Circulation of the Air
(B) Humidity
(C) Temperature
(D) All of The Above
The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded jointly to James P Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their discovery of which cancer
(A) Chemotherapy
(B) Radiation
(C) Surgery
(D) Immunotherapy
Science is derived from Latin word 'scientia' which means_________
(A) Reasoning
(B) Logic
(C) Knowledge
(D) Life
The reaction between methane and chlorine in diffused sunlight is__________
(A) Oxidation
(B) Reduction
(C) Polymerisation
(D) Radical substitution
Which of the following in the human body is affected by leukemia
(A) Blood
(B) Lungs
(C) Eyes
(D) Nerves