Michaelis-Menten hypothesis states that_____________?

(A) Rate of enzymatic reaction is independent of substrate concentration

(B) Rate of non enzymatic reaction is proportional to substrate concentration

(C) Km is the enzyme substrate complex association constant

(D) Enzyme- substrate complex formation is essential in enzymatic reaction

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Most importent compansatory mechanism in metabolic acidosis______________?

(A) Hyperventilation

(B) Increased NH3 excretion by kidneys

(C) Increased urinary phosphates

(D) Increased HCO3 Production

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which cell organelle contains DNA_____________?

(A) Mitochondrion

(B) Golgi body

(C) Endoplasmic reticulum

(D) Centriole

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Golgi bodies function are______________?

(A) Protein lipid synthesis

(B) Protein synthesis

(C) Sorting of glycoproteins

(D) None of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Ribosomes are usually associated with______________?

(A) Endoplasmic reticulum

(B) Mitochondria

(C) Nucleolus

(D) Plasma membrane

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Calcitonin is antagonist_______________?

(A) Parathyroid hormone

(B) Thyroxine

(C) Triidothyronine

(D) Serotonin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following has a ketogenic effect on livers______________?

(A) Insulin

(B) Glucagon

(C) GH

(D) Androgen

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Rate limiting step in adrenaline synthesis is conversion of____________?

(A) Tyrosine to dopa

(B) Phenylalanine to tyrosine

(C) Dopa to dopamine

(D) Dopamine to nor epinephrine

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Nor epinephrine is converted to epinephrine by______________?

(A) Dopamine hydroxylase

(B) Dopa decarboxylase

(C) O-methylation

(D) N-methylation

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Bile contains______________?

(A) Cholic acid

(B) Chenodeoxycholic acid

(C) Deoxycholic acid

(D) Lithocholic acid

(D) All of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal