Accounting Mcqs

Goodwill A/c is a/an__________?

(A) Nominal A/c

(B) Tangible Asset

(C) Intangible Asset

(D) Fictitious Asset

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is a Nominal A/c ?

(A) Outstanding Salary A/c

(B) Rent A/c

(C) SBI A/c

(D) Debtors A/c

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is a representative Personal A/c?

(A) Outstanding Salary A/c

(B) Rent A/c

(C) SBI A/c

(D) Bad debts A/c

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is a Real A/c?

(A) Salary A/c

(B) Bank A/c

(C) Building A/c

(D) Goodwill A/c

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of these items are taken into consideration for preparation of adjusted Cash Book

(A) Mistake in Cash Book

(B) Mistake in Pass Book

(C) Cheque issued but not presented for payment

(D) Cheques deposited but not cleared

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of these documents is not required for Bank Reconciliation?

(A) Bank column of Cash Book

(B) Bank Pass Book

(C) Bank Statement

(D) Trial Balance

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Generally the term fund is used to mean the difference between?

(A) Current assets and current liabilities

(B) Profit and loss A/C and Balance sheet

(C) Current assets and non-current liabilities

(D) Current liabilities and non-current liabilities

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Cash received from debtors would be deemed as___________of funds.

(A) No flow

(B) Sources

(C) Uses

(D) Gain

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Expenses of the following nature are treated as a Revenue expenses except__________?

(A) Expenses for day to day running of the business

(B) Putting the new asset in working condition

(C) Depreciation

(D) Purchase of raw material

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of these types of expenditure would not be treated as a Capital Expenditure?

(A) Acquisition of an Asset

(B) Extension of an Asset

(C) Improvement of the existing Asset

(D) Maintenance of the Asset

Submitted By: Ali Uppal