Auditing Mcqs

The basic assumption underlying the use of analytical procedures is:____________?

(A) It helps the auditor to study relationship among elements of financial information

(B) Relationship among data exist and continue in the absence of known condition to the contrary

(C) Analytical procedures will not be able to detect unusual relationships

(D) None of the abov

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is a revenue reserve?

(A) Capital redemption reserve

(B) Security premium account

(C) Debenture redemption reserve

(D) Capital reserve

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following will not lead to creation of secret reserve?

(A) Undervaluation of closing stock

(B) Charging capital expenditure to revenue

(C) Goods sent on consignment being shown as actual sales

(D) Charging higher rates of depreciation on fixed assets than actually required

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Depreciation does not arise form _______

(A) effluxion of time

(B) use

(C) obsolescence through technology be market changes

(D) remarket expectation

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is not a revenue expense?

(A) Cost of raising a loan

(B) Cost of accessories of motor vehicles spent at the time of purchase

(C) Expenses incurred for laying of sewers on land purchased

(D) Insurance premium paid at the time of registration of the ship

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following factors is most important in determining the appropriations of audit evidence?

(A) The reliability of audit evidence and its relevance in meeting the audit objective

(B) The objectivity and integrity of the auditor

(C) The quantity of audit evidence

(D) The independence of the source of evidence

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

What would most effectively describe the risk of incorrect acceptance in terms of substantive audit testing?

(A) The auditor has ascertained that the balance is materially correct when in actual fact it is not

(B) The auditor concludes the balance is materially misstated when in actual fact is not

(C) The auditor has rejected an item from sample which was not supported by documentary evidence

(D) He applies random sampling on data which is inaccurate and inconsistent

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

What would most appropriately describe the risk of incorrect rejection in terms of substantive testing?

(A) The auditor concludes balance is materially correct when in actual fact it is not

(B) The auditor concludes that the balance is materially misstated when in actual fact it not

(C) The auditor has rejected an item for sample which was material

(D) None of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following statements is not true with respect to management representations obtained as per AAS­11?

(A) Authenticated copy of relevant minutes of meetings may be regarded as management representation

(B) It should always be in working

(C) It may be dated prior to the report date

(D) It should be addressed to the auditor

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following affects audit effectiveness?

(A) Risk of over reliance

(B) Risk of incorrect rejection

(C) Risk of incorrect acceptance

(D) Both

Submitted By: Ali Uppal