Amoeba moves in water with the help of locomotory organs called_________?
(A) tube feet
(B) cilia
(C) pseudopodia
(D) flagella
In all coelentrates endoderm give rise to__________?
(A) nervous system
(B) digestive system
(C) reproductive system
(D) circulatory system
They are present in the underground parts of the plants and stored food?
(A) leucoplast
(B) chromoplast
(C) chloroplast
(D) stem
Accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells lead to__________?
(A) paralysis
(B) oedema
(C) mental retardation
(D) all of these
Accumulation of lipid molecules in brain cells lead to____________?
(A) paralysis
(B) oedema
(C) mental retardation
(D) all of these
The life and activities of a cell is controlled by__________?
(A) cytoplasm
(B) nucleus
(C) vacuole
(D) mitochondria
Flagella are composed of________?
(A) micro tubules
(B) micro filaments
(C) intermediate filaments
(D) glycoproteins