Biology Mcqs

Enzyme activity can also be charted through the __________ ?

(A) Rate of digestion

(B) Rate of reaction

(C) Level of pH

(D) Number of active sites

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

What is hibernation and aestivation________?

(A) Thermal adaptation shown by animals

(B)  wind adaptation shown by animals

(C)  adaptation of animals to escape from predators

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Crysanthemum is propagated by___________?

(A) Suckers

(B) corms

(C) corals

(D) None

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Biebs that are broke off from cell are called __________?

(A) Apoptotic bodies

(B) Necrosis bodies

(C) Tuberculosis bodies

(D) Cytokinetic bodies

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Number of cells that are destroyed in adults by apoptosis are ________ ?

(A) 20 to 35 billion cells

(B) 50 to 70 billion cells

(C) 10 to 20 billion cells

(D) 15 to 25 billion cells

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Special enzymes are released during necrosis from __________ ?

(A) lysosomes

(B) Vacuoles

(C) Cytoplasm

(D) Golgi bodies

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Kind of cellular respiration which occurs in presence of oxygen is _________ ?

(A) Anaerobic respiration

(B) Aerobic respiration

(C) Nitrogenous respiration

(D) Acidic respiration

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Fuel used by cells in cellular respiration to get energy is ________ ?

(A) polysaccharides

(B) Polypeptides

(C) Glucose

(D) Sugar

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Zygote with three copies chromosome 21, is known to cause _________?

(A) Hay fever

(B) Scurvy

(C) Parkinson Disease

(D) Downs syndrome

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Special kind of protein containing iron is called as _________ ?

(A) Hormones

(B) Hemoglobin

(C) Red blood cell

(D) White blood cell

Submitted By: Ali Uppal