Biology Mcqs

The sponges in which sperms develop first are included in the category of__________?

(A) Peritandrous

(B) Pertandrous

(C) Protendrous

(D) Protandrous

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A sponge of Antarctica which is more than a meter tall is____________?

(A) Scolymastra joubini

(B) Euplectella

(C) Spongilla

(D) Leucoselenia

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The function of coelom is__________?

(A) To increase the size of the animals

(B) To help in the functioning of reproductive system

(C) To provide space for the development of organs and systems

(D) None of these

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In most triploblasts after embryonic development the three layers are represented as___________?

(A) Separate layers of cells

(B) Structures formed from them

(C) Structures associated with them

(D) Their functions in body

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Of the following which one is not found in series proterostomia?

(A) Annelida

(B) Arthropoda

(C) Mollusea

(D) Echinodermata

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Of the following which one is not the characteristic of Kingdom Animalia.

(A) All animals are ingestive heterotrophs

(B) All animals are eukaryotes

(C) All animals develop from the dissimilar gametes i.e. large sperm and small egg.

(D) It is largest kingdom.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Main blood vessel of arthropods usually:

(A) Lies on dorsal side

(B) Lies on ventral side

(C) Lies on lateral side

(D) Is not present

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Second largest phylum of invertebrates is____________?

(A) Porifera

(B) Arthropoda

(C) Mollusca

(D) Chordata

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Body is globular in_________?

(A) Cake urchin

(B) Sea Urchin

(C) Sea cucumber

(D) Brittle star

Submitted By: Ali Uppal