In alcoholic fermentation Pyruvic acid is broken down into?
(A) Acetaldehyde
(B) Methyl alcohol
(C) Ethyl alcohol
(D) Lactic acid
Deficiency of ___________ causes yellowing in plants?
(A) Magnesium
(B) Iron
(C) Chlorine
(D) Oxygen
Chlorophylls mainly absorb _________ wavelengths?
(A) Orange – blue
(B) Violet – red
(C) Yellow – orange
(D) Orange – red.
Complete breakdown of glucose molecule takes place in which of the following?
(A) Alcoholic fermentation
(B) Lactic acid fermentation
(C) Aerobic respiration
(D) All of these
Of the following, which one is better respiratory medium___________?
(A) Air
(B) Water
(C) Soil
(D) None of these
During rest the breathing occurs rhythmically at the frequency of _________ times per minute in human?
(A) 16-30
(B) 15-20
(C) 5?10
(D) 6?12
___________ respiration is the process by which cell utilized oxygen and produces CO2 ?
(A) Cellular
(B) Organismic
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these
Lungs are covered with double layered thin membranous sac called___________?
(A) Disphragm
(B) Pleura
(C) Pericardium
(D) Rib cage
___________ respiration is directly involved in the production of energy, necessary for all living activities?
(A) Organismic
(B) Cellular
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these
Lungs are spongy due to the presence of million of___________?
(A) Air sacs
(B) Alveoli
(C) Bronchioles
(D) Parabronchi