Biology Mcqs

Gaseous exchange through the skin is known as ______________ respiration?

(A) Cuticular

(B) Cutaneous

(C) Skin

(D) Pulmonary

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

All of the following contain cartilage except:___________?

(A) Larynx

(B) Trachea

(C) Bronchi

(D) Bronchioles

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Voice box is another name used for___________?

(A) Buccal cavity

(B) Pharynx

(C) Larynx

(D) Chest Cavity

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The blood enters the ________________ side of heart ?

(A) Posterior

(B) Anterior

(C) Lateral

(D) All possible

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

An increrase in plant girth due to activity of _____________ is called secondary growth?

(A) Cork cambium

(B) Pith.

(C) Vascular cambium.

(D) Both a and c

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following statement about osteoporosis is incorrect.

(A) It results from estrogen deficiency.

(B) Bone eating process takes over bone formation process.

(C) There is reduction of bone mass and change in chemical composition of the matrix

(D) It is common in old ag

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Among the followings which is the most longest supportive cell?

(A) Tracheids

(B) Sclereids

(C) Trachea

(D) Collenchyma cells

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the follwing is a childhood disease resulting from nutritive Ca2+ deficiency?

(A) Hypocalcaemia Tatanic spasms.

(B) Osteomalacis.

(C) Rickets.

(D) Tetany

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Secondary cell wall of sclerenchyma cells is impregnated with_________________?

(A) Cellulose.

(B) Peptidoglycan and murein.

(C) Lignin.

(D) Pectin.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following hormone is predominantly responsible for bone weakening in older women?

(A) Progesterone.

(B) Oestrogen.

(C) Parathyroid hormone.

(D) Calcitonin.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal