The type of filtering media used for filtration depending upon____________________?
(A) Nature of reactants
(B) Nature of crucible
(C) Nature of product
(D) Nature of precipitate
Water absorber used in combustion analysis is___________________?
(A) 50% KOH
(B) Lime water
(C) CaCl2
(D) Mg (CIO4)2
Which of the following set has all species isoelectronic__________________?
(A) F – Cl – Br
(B) Li+1 – Na+1 – K+1
(C) F – Ne – Na+
(D) H+ – H- – H
The volume occupied by 1.4g CO at S.T.P is___________________?
(A) 22.4 dm3
(B) 2.24 dm3
(C) 1.12 cm3
(D) 1.12 dm3
Isotopes differs in______________________?
(A) arrangement of electrons in orbitals
(B) position in the periodic table
(C) properties depend upon mass
(D) chemical properties
The compound which is added to leaded gasoline to save engine from lead oxide and lead sulphate deposits is__________________?
(A) Ethylene iodide
(B) Ethylene bromide
(C) Ethylene chloride
(D) Ethylene fluoride
Which of the following elements conduct electricity and also melts below 100°C ?
(A) Aluminium
(B) Sodium
(C) Carbon
(D) Sulphur
Acid present in acid rain may be_________________?
(A) H2SO4
(B) HNO3
(C) both A and B
(D) none of the above
The unit of the rate constant (k) is same as that of rate of reaction________________?
(A) First order reaction
(B) Second order reaction
(C) Zero order reaction
(D) Third order reaction
Which is the unit of (K) rate constant for zero order reaction ?
(A) s-1
(B) mol dm-3 s-1
(C) mol-1 dm3 s-1
(D) mol-2 dm6 s-1