The ratio of the maximum deflections of a simply supported beam with a central load W and of a cantilever of same length and with a load W at its free end, is________________?
(A) 1/8
(B) 1/10
(C) 1/12
(D) 1/16
At yield point of a test piece, the material__________________?
(A) Obeys Hooke’s law
(B) Behaves in an elastic manner
(C) Regains its original shape on removal of the load
(D) Undergoes plastic deformation
The ratio of shear stress and shear strain of an elastic material, is________________?
(A) Modulus of Rigidity
(B) Shear Modulus
(C) Modulus of Elasticity
(D) Both
The ratio of the length and diameter of a simply supported uniform circular beam which experiences maximum bending stress equal to tensile stress due to same load at its mid span, is___________________?
(A) 1/8
(B) 1/4
(C) 1/2
(D) 1/3
The stiffness of the close coil helical spring is_________________?
(A) d4N/8D3n
(B) d4N/4D3n
(C) 4D3N/d4n
(D) 8D3N/d4n
In case of a simply supported rectangular beam of span L and loaded with a central load W, the length of elasto-plastic zone of the plastic hinge, is__________________?
(A) L/2
(B) L/3
(C) L/4
(D) L/5
Flat spiral springs_______________?
(A) Consist of uniform thin strips
(B) Are supported at outer end
(C) Are wound by applying a torque
(D) All the above
Stress may be expressed in Newtons___________________?
(A) Per millimetre square (N/mm2)
(B) Per centimetre square (N/cm2)
(C) Per metre square (N/m2)
(D) None of these
The horizontal deflection of a parabolic curved beam of span 10 m and rise 3 m when loaded with a uniformly distributed load l t per horizontal length is (where Ic is the M.I. at the crown, which varies as the slope of the arch)___________________?
(A) 50/EIc
(B) 100/EIc
(C) 150/EIc
(D) 200/EIc