Civil Engineering Mcqs

Fluid is a substance which offers no resistance to change of_________________?

(A) pressure

(B) flow

(C) shape

(D) volume

(D) temperature

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A piece of metal of specific gravity 13.6 is placed in mercury of specific gravity 13.6, what fraction of it volume is under mercury ?

(A) the metal piece will simply float over the mercury

(B) the metal piece will be immersed in mercury by half

(C) whole of the metal piece will be immersed with its top surface just at mercury level

(D) metal piece will sink to the bottom

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The buoyancy depends on__________________?

(A) mass of liquid displaced

(B) viscosity of the liquid

(C) pressure of the liquid displaced

(D) depth of immersion

(D) none of the above.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The resultant upward pressure of the fluid on an immersed body is called_________________?

(A) upthrust

(B) buoyancy

(C) center of pressure

(D) all the above are correct

(D) none of above is correct

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

If cohesion between molecules of a fluid is greater than adhesion between fluid and glass, then the free level of fluid in a dipped glass tube will be_________________?

(A) higher than the surface of liquid

(B) the same as the surface of liquid

(C) lower than the surface of liquid

(D) unpredictable

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Falling drops of water become spheres due to the property of ________________?

(A) adhesion

(B) cohesion

(C) surface tension

(D) viscosity

(D) compressibility

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Free surface of a liquid tends to contract to the smallest possible area due to force of _________________?

(A) surface tension

(B) viscosity

(C) friction

(D) cohesion

(D) adhesion

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Specific weight of sea water is more that of pure water because it contains ________________?

(A) dissolved air

(B) dissolved salt

(C) suspended matter

(D) all of the above

(D) heavy water

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Specific weight of water in S.I. units is equal to_________________?

(A) 1000 N/m3

(B) 10000 N/m3

(C) 9.81 xlO3 N/m3

(D) 9.81 xlO6N/m3

(D) 9.81 N/m3

Submitted By: Ali Uppal