Civil Engineering Mcqs

Which of the following angles can be set out with the help of French cross staff?

(A) 45° only

(B) 90° only

(C) either 45° or 90°

(D) any angle

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Local attraction in compass surveying may exist due to________________?

(A) incorrect levelling of the magnetic needle

(B) loss of magnetism of the needle

(C) friction of the needle at the pivot

(D) presence of magnetic substances near the instrument

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The horizontal angle between the true meridian and magnetic meridian at a place is called______________?

(A) azimuth

(B) declination

(C) local attraction

(D) magnetic bearing

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In the prismatic compass______________?

(A) the magnetic needle moves with the box

(B) the line of the sight does not move with the box

(C) the magnetic needle and graduated circle do not move with the box

(D) the graduated circle is fixed to the box and the magnetic needle always remains in the N-S direction

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

For accurate work, the steel band should always be used in preference to chain because the steel band______________?

(A) is lighter than chain

(B) is easier to handle

(C) is practically inextensible and is not liable to kinks when in use

(D) can be easily repaired in the field

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The maximum tolerance in a 20 m chain is_______________?

(A) ±2 mm

(B) ±3 mm

(C) ±5 mm

(D) ±8 mm

Submitted By: Ali Uppal