Civil Engineering Mcqs

Due to circumferential action of the spiral in a spirally reinforced column________________?

(A) capacity of column is decreased

(B) ductility of column reduces

(C) capacity of column is decreased but ductility of column increases

(D) both the capacity of column and ductility of column increase

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The diameter of ties in a column should be_______________?

(A) more than or equal to one fourth of diameter of main bar

(B) more than or equal to 5 mm

(C) more than 5 mm but less than one-fourth of diameter of main bar

(D) more than 5 mm and also more than one-fourth of diameter of main bar

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The critical section for finding maximum bending moment for footing under masonry wall is located_______________?

(A) at the middle of the wall

(B) at the edge of the wall

(C) halfway between the middle and edge of the wall

(D) at a distance equal to effective depth of footing from the edge of the wall

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

While designing the pile as a column, the end conditions are nearly_______________?

(A) both ends hinged

(B) both ends fixed

(C) one end fixed and other end hinged

(D) one end fixed and other end free

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

To minimise the effect of differential settlement, the area of a footing should be designed for______________?

(A) dead load only

(B) dead load + live load

(C) dead load + fraction of live load

(D) live load + fraction of dead load

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A T-shaped retaining wall mainly conssits of_________________?

(A) one cantilever

(B) two cantilevers

(C) three cantilevers

(D) four cantilevers

Submitted By: Ali Uppal