Civil Engineering Mcqs

For calculating the allowable stress of long columns known as_________________?

(A) Straight line formula

(B) Parabolic formula

(C) Perry’s formula

(D) Rankine’s formula

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The horizontal thrust on the ends of a two hinged semicircular arch of radius carrying_________________?

(A) A uniforml 4/3

(B) end, is

(C) All the above

(D) non of these

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Slenderness ratio of a long column, is_________________?

(A) Area of cross-section divided by radius of gyration

(B) Area of cross-section divided by least radius of gyration

(C) Radius of gyration divided by area of cross-section

(D) Length of column divided by least radius of gyration

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

P = / L² is the equation for Euler’s crippling load if_________________?

(A) Both the ends are fixed

(B) Both the ends are hinged

(C) One end is fixed and other end is free

(D) One end is fixed and other end is hinged

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The forces in the members of simple trusses, may be analysed by________________?

(A) Graphical method

(B) Method of joints

(C) Method of sections

(D) All the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Metacentric height for small values of angle of heel is the distance between the________________?

(A) centre of gravity and centre of buoy-ancy

(B) centre of gravity and metacentre

(C) centre of buoyancy and metacentre

(D) free surface and centre of buoyancy

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Centre of buoyancy always_________________?

(A) coincides with the centre of gravity

(B) coincides with the centroid of the volume of fluid displaced

(C) remains above the centre of gravity

(D) remains below the centre of gravity

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal