The node voltage at the top of the til resistor is closes to________________?
(A) collector supply voltage
(B) zero
(C) emitter supply voltage
(D) tail current times base resistance
A certain noninverting amplifier has Ri of 1 kO and Rf of 100 kO. The closed-loop voltage gain is_____________?
(A) 100,000
(B) 1000
(C) 101
(D) 100
For an Op-amp with negative feedback, the output is_________________?
(A) equal to the input
(B) increased
(C) fed back to the inverting input
(D) fed back to the noninverting input
Which of the following are integrating instruments ?
(A) Ammeters
(B) Voltmeters
(C) Wattmeters
(D) Ampere-hour and watt-hour meters
The spring material used in a spring control device should have the following property?
(A) Should be non-magnetic
(B) Most be of low temperature co-efficient
(C) Should have low specific resistance
(D) Should not be subjected to fatigue
(D) All of the above
A moving-coil permanent-magnet instrument can be used as ____________by using a low resistance shunt?
(A) ammeter
(B) voltmeter
(C) flux-meter
(D) ballistic galvanometer
Which of the following essential features is possessed by an indicating instrument?
(A) Deflecting device
(B) Controlling device
(C) Damping device
(D) All of the above
Which of the following devices may be used for extending the range of instruments ?
(A) Shunts
(B) Multipliers
(C) Current transformers
(D) Potential transformers
(D) All of the above
A __________ device prevents the oscillation of the moving system and enables the latter to reach its final position quickly___________?
(A) deflecting
(B) controlling
(C) damping
(D) any of the above
Which of the following instruments indicate the instantaneous value of the electrical quantity being measured at the time at which it is being measured ?
(A) Absolute instruments
(B) Indicating instruments
(C) Recording instruments
(D) Integrating instruments