Everyday Science Mcqs

The areas around the North and South poles within the Polar circles is called _____________

(A) The Torrid Zone

(B) The Frigid Zone

(C) The Temperature Zone

(D) Â The Hardiness Zone

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The strength of wave action depends on all these EXCEPT:

(A) Currents in the sea

(B) Wind strength

(C) Depth of coastal water

(D) Height of waves

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Bore is caused by______

(A) Rising tide while meeting river currents

(B) Friction from prevailing winds

(C) Spring tide and strong winds

(D) Unequal heating of oceans

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of these is not a Metamorphic rock

(A) Quartzite

(B) Slate

(C) Gneiss

(D) Schist

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The final phase of a star's evolution is determined by the star's:

(A) Age

(B) Gravitational pull

(C) Density

(D) Mass

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

What kind of weathering takes place on the valley side above the surface of the glacier

(A) Plucking

(B) Abrasion

(C) Chemical weathering

(D) Frost shattering

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the statements to about the Troposphere is not true

(A) It contains 85-90% of the atmosphere’s mass

(B) It contains nearly all the water and oxygen of the atmosphere

(C) It is the zone which exhibits changes in condition of weather

(D) It is about 350 km thick

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A canyon is a large form of ________

(A) Dry valley

(B) Gorge

(C) Pediment

(D) Badiand

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A wind which reverses seasonally is known as_____

(A) Trade

(B) Cyclonic

(C) Monsoon

(D) Polar

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Mercury is also known as_________

(A) Shine Silver

(B) Quick Silver

(C) Slow Silver

(D) Slippery Silver

Submitted By: Ali Uppal