Everyday Science Mcqs

Growth is provided by________

(A) Protein

(B) Minerals

(C) Vitamins

(D) Carbohydrates

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Deficiency of Iodine causes:____________

(A) Anemia

(B) Scurvy

(C) Goiter

(D) Rickets

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is not a Fat_soluble vitamin

(A) Vitamin B5

(B) Vitamin B6

(C) Vitamin B3

(D) Vitamin B2

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is not a water soluble vitamin

(A) Tocopherol

(B) Pyridoxine

(C) Pantothenic acid

(D) Niacin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The vitamin Folate works together with __________ to produce new red blood cells

(A) Vitamin D

(B) Vitamin A

(C) Vitamin B-12

(D) None of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Common food sources of Vitamin A are:___________

(A) Milk, eggs, butter, cheese, cream, and liver

(B) White sugar, honey, and sugar cane

(C) Broccoli, apricots, cantaloupe, carrots, sweet potato, spinach

(D) Both A and C

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is a function of Vitamin A in the body

(A) Vision, bone and body growth

(B) Immune defenses, maintenance of body linings and skin

(C) Normal cell development and reproduction

(D) All of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Vitamin C deficiency leads to:____________

(A) Scurvy

(B) Cold

(C) Cancer

(D) Rickets

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Most abundant color in Earth is_________

(A) Blue

(B) Green

(C) Brown

(D) Black

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Wind always blows from area of ________

(A) Low pressure to high pressure

(B) High pressure to low pressure

(C) Only low pressure

(D) Only high pressure

Submitted By: Ali Uppal