According to many, including the Guinness Book of World Record,________is the world’s rarest mineral
(A) Painite
(B) Benitoite
(C) Jadeite
(D) Taaffeite
Which of the following disease is spread by Fleas
(A) Small pox
(B) Tetnus
(C) Typhus
(D) Yellow fever
A dolphin perceives its environment by the sense of__________
(A) Sight
(B) Sound
(C) Both of these
(D) None of these
The Temperature of the surface of Sun is_______
(A) 5,778 Kelvin
(B) 6,778 Kelvin
(C) 7,778 Kelvin
(D) 9,778 Kelvin
Mass of Earth is___________
(A) 5.972 × 10^24 kg
(B) 6.972 × 10^24 kg
(C) 7.972 × 10^24 kg
(D) 8.972 × 10^24 kg
Which blood cells are called ‘Soldiers’ of the body
(A) White Blood Cells
(B) Platelets
(C) Red Blood Cells
(D) None of the above