Everyday Science Mcqs

The device used to convert Alternate Current into Direct Current is called

(A) Anemometer

(B) Battery

(C) Galvanometer

(D) Rectifier

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The fourth state of matter is

(A) Water

(B) Salts

(C) Vapours

(D) Plasma

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Acid rain is mainly caused by emissions of __________ in the atmosphere

(A) Sulfur Dioxide and Potassium Nitrate

(B) Sulfur and Charcoal

(C) Nitrogen Oxide and Potassium Nitrate

(D) Sulfur Dioxide and Nitrogen Oxide

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In general, wind speed of 105–137 caused_______

(A) minor or no damage

(B) considerable damage

(C) severe damage

(D) extreme damage

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Water covers __________ of the Earth’s surface

(A) 61%

(B) 67%

(C) 71%

(D) 76%

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Who is considered the founder of meteorology

(A) Aristotle

(B) Plato

(C) Einstein

(D) Newton

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Wind energy is the __________ energy

(A) Potential

(B) Transverse

(C) Kinetic

(D) Mechanical

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The energy value of food is measured in_______

(A) Joule

(B) Calories

(C) Tesla

(D) Proteins

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The natural fats and oils are composed of_________

(A) Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

(B) Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen

(C) Carbon, Oxygen and Nitrogen

(D) Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen

Submitted By: Ali Uppal