What does Eid-ul-Fitr mean?
(A) Commemorating the prophet (SAW) birth
(B) Making special prayer
(C) Breaking fast
(D) None of these
How many surahs of the Holy Quran starts with broken letters (حروف مقطعات)?
(A) 5
(B) 6
(C) 7
(D) 8
(D) 9
In which month Allah forgives 10 lakh muslims every day at the time of Aftari?
(A) Sha’ban
(B) Rajab
(C) Safar
(D) Ramadan
Allah forgives _____ muslims every day at the time of aftari in Ramadan?
(A) 4 lakh
(B) 6 lakh
(C) 8 lakh
(D) 5 lakh
(D) 10 lakh
The portion of the wall of Ka’ba which is between its door and Kajre Aswad is called__________?
(A) Al multazim
(B) Hateem
(C) Haram
(D) Safar
What is name of 14th Para of Holy Qur’an?
(A) Yatazeroon
(B) Wa Mamin Da’abat
(C) Wa Ma Ubrioo
(D) Rubama
What is name of 19th Para of Holy Qur’an?
(A) Wa Qalallazina
(B) A’man Khalaq
(C) Utlu Ma Oohi
(D) Wa Manyaqnut
What is name of 20th Para of Holy Qur’an?
(A) Wa Qalallazina
(B) A’man Khalaq
(C) Utlu Ma Oohi
(D) Wa Manyaqnut