The Namaz-e-Taraveeh can be offered between the Salats of?
(A) Isha & Fajar
(B) Zuhar & Maghrib
(C) Asr & Isha
(D) Maghrib & Asr
The Act of Shortening ones prayer while on journey is called?
(A) Wajib
(B) Khusar
(C) Qasr
(D) Sunnat
Name the Nafli Salat which can be Offered after sunrise till one fourth of the day?
(A) Chasht
(B) Ishraq
(C) Salat Tasbeeh
(D) Tahajjud
On Which time the Holy Prohpet(PBUH) was gifted with Namaz?
(A) Miraj
(B) Hijrat
(C) Ghazwa Badar
(D) None of them
Five prayers were declared compulsory in?
(A) 9th Nabvi
(B) 10th Nabvi
(C) 11th Nabvi
(D) 12th Nabvi