Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

In a typical medium speed, 4-stroke cycle diesel engine ___________________?

(A) fuelinjection starts at 10° before to dead center and ends at 20° after tor dead center

(B) fuel injection starts at top dead center and ends at 20° after top dead center

(C) fuel injection starts at just before top dead center and ends just after top deac center

(D) may start and end anywhere

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following medium is compressed in a Diesel engine cylinder __________________?

(A) air aione

(B) air and fuel

(C) air and lub oil

(D) fuel alone

(D) air, fuel and lub oil

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

As a result of detonation in an I.C. engine, following parameter attains very high value _____________________?

(A) peak pressure

(B) rate of rise of pressure

(C) rate of rise of temperature

(D) peak temperature

(D) rate of rise of horse-power

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Most high speed compression engines operate on __________________?

(A) Diesel cycle

(B) Otto cycle

(C) Dual combustion cycle

(D) Special type of air cycle

(D) Carnot cycle

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

For the same compression ratio_____________________?

(A) Otto cycle is more efficient than the Diesel

(B) Diesel cycle is more efficient’than Otto

(C) both Otto and Diesel cycles are, equally efficient

(D) compression ratio has nothing to do with efficiency

(D) which is more efficient would depend on engine capacity

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

It the temperature of intake air in IC engines is lowered, then its efficiency will_______________________?

(A) increase

(B) decrease

(C) remain same

(D) increase upto certain limit and then decrease

(D) decrease upto certain limit and then in-crease

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

If one cylinder of a diesel engine receives more fuel than the others, then for that cylinder the________________?

(A) exhaust will be smoky

(B) piston rings would stick into piston grooves

(C) exhaust temperature will be high

(D) engine starts overheating

(D) scavenging occurs

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Flash point of fuel oil is __________________?

(A) minimum temperature to which1 oil is heated in order to give off inflammable vapours in sufficient quantity to ignite momentarily when brought in contact with a flame

(B) temperature at which it solidifies or congeals

(C) temperature at which it catches fire without external aid

(D) indicated by 90% distillation temperature, i.e. when 90% of sample oil has distilled off

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The operation of forcing additional air under pressure in the engine cylinder is known as________________?

(A) scavenging

(B) turbulence

(C) supercharging

(D) pre-ignition

(D) dissociation and carburretion of fuel

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following is false statement. Some of the methods used to reduce diesel smoke are as follows ________________?

(A) using additives in the fuel

(B) engine derating i.e. reducing the maxi-mum flow of fuel

(C) increasing the compression ratio

(D) adherence to proper fuel specification

(D) avoidance of overloading

Submitted By: Ali Uppal