The ratio of specific weighf/h.p. of gas turbin and I.C engines may be typically of the order of_______________________?
(A) 1 : 1
(B) 2 : 1
(C) 4 : 1
(D) 1:2
(D) 1 : 6
The thermal efficiency of a gas turbine as compared to a diesel plant is__________________?
(A) same
(B) more
(C) less
(D) depends on other factors
(D) unpredictably
Gas turbine blades are given a rake___________________?
(A) equal to zero
(B) in the direction of motion of blades
(C) opposite to the direction of motion of blades
(D) depending on the velocity
(D) none of the above
The air-fuel ratio in gas turbines is of the order of ______________________?
(A) 7 : 1
(B) 15 : 1
(C) 30 : 1
(D) 40 : 1
(D) 50: 1
Mechanical efficiency of gas turbines as compared to I.C engines is____________________?
(A) higher
(B) lower
(C) same
(D) depends on on odier considerations
(D) unpredictable
The fuel consumption in gas turbines is accounted for by___________________?
(A) heating value
(B) higher heating value
(C) heating value
(D) higher calorific value
(D) highest calorific value
It is not possible to use closed gas turbine cycle in aeronautical engines because_________________ ?
(A) it is inefficient
(B) it is bulky
(C) it requires cooling water for its operation
(D) non of theses
As the turbine inlet temperature increases, the thermal efficiency of gas turbine for the optimum pressure ratio_____________________?
(A) increases
(B) decreases
(C) remains same
(D) first increases and then decreases
(D) first decreases and then increases
The jnaximum combustion pressure in gas turbine as compared to I.C. engine is_________________?
(A) more
(B) less
(C) same
(D) depends on other factors
(D) unpredictable
The material commonly used for air craft gas turbine is__________________?
(A) stainless steel
(B) high alloy’ steel
(C) duralumin
(D) Timken, Haste and Inconel allpys
(D) titanium