Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

Scavenging air is supplied to a two-stroke engine at a density greater than that of atmosphere. This means the engine is__________________?

(A) Supercharged

(B) Not supercharged

(C) Charged

(D) Supercharged provided its speed is low

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A two stroke crank compressed engine has following ports in the cylinder_______________?

(A) suction port and exhaust port

(B) transfer port only

(C) suction port and transfer port

(D) transfer port and exhaust port

(D) suction port, exhaust port and transfer port

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A two stroke engine is usually identified by__________________?

(A) size of flywheel

(B) weight of engine

(C) type of lubrication system

(D) absence of valves

(D) location of fuel tank

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In the case of compression ignition engine, the %age of CO in exhaust gases is________________?

(A) Zero

(B) 5-10%

(C) Depends on load

(D) Considerable percent

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The thermal efficiency of a semi-diesel cycle having fixed compression ratio and fixed quantity of heat, with increase in pressure ratio will_______________?

(A) increase

(B) decrease

(C) remain unaffected

(D) increase/decrease depending upon engine capacity

(D) first increase and then decrease

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The ultimate tensile strength and yield strength of most of the metals, when temperature falls from 0 to l00°C will _________________?

(A) increase

(B) decrease

(C) remain same

(D) first increase and then decrease

(D) show unpredictable behaviour

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The ability of a material to resist softening at high temperature is known as____________________?

(A) creep

(B) hot tempering

(C) hot hardness

(D) fatigue

(D) superhardening

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Isotropic materials are those which have the same ____________________?

(A) elastic properties in all directions

(B) stresses induced in all directions

(C) thermal properties in all directions

(D) electric and magnetic properties in all directions

(D) density throughout

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Stress relaxation is- the phenomenon ___________________?

(A) in which parts are not loaded

(B) in which stress remains constant on in-creasing load

(C) in which deformation tends to loosen the joint and produces a stress reduced

(D) stress reduces on increasing load

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Mild steel belongs to the following category___________________?

(A) low carbon steel

(B) medium carbon steel

(C) high carbon steel

(D) alloy steel

(D) special steel

Submitted By: Ali Uppal