Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

Corrosion resistance of steel is increased by adding__________________?

(A) chromium and nickel

(B) nickel and molybdenum

(C) aluminium and zinc

(D) tungsten and sulfur

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The usual composition of a soldering alloy is__________________?

(A) tin, lead and small percentage of antimony

(B) tin and lead

(C) tin, lead and silver

(D) tin and copper

(D) tin, copper and lead

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Brass contains___________________?

(A) 70% copper and 30% zinc

(B) 90% copper and 10% tin

(C) 85-92% copper and rest tin with little lead and nickel

(D) 70-75% copper and rest tin

(D) 70% copper and 30% tin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Addition of manganese to aluminium results in__________________?

(A) improvement of casting characteristics

(B) improvement of corrosion resistance

(C) one of the best known age and precipitation-hardening systems

(D) improving machinability

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which is false statement about properties of aluminium ___________________?

(A) modulus of elasticity is fairly low

(B) wear resistance is very good

(C) fatigue strength is not high

(D) creep strength limits its use to fairly low temperatures

(D) corrosion resistance is good

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Admiralty gun metal contains__________________?

(A) 63 to 67% nickel and 30% copper

(B) 88% copper, 10% tin and rest zinc

(C) alloy of tin, lead and cadmium

(D) iron scrap and zinc

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Free cutting steels_____________________?

(A) are used where ease in machining is the criterion

(B) contain carbon in free form

(C) require least cutting force

(D) do not exist

(D) can be cut freely even under adverse conditions

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Permalloy is a___________________?

(A) kind of stainless steel

(B) none ferrous alloy

(C) polymer

(D) cutting tool material

(D) nickel and iron alloy having high permeability

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The alloy used for making electrical resistances and heating elements is____________________?

(A) nichrome

(B) invar

(C) magnin

(D) elinvar

(D) peiminvar

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Gun metal contains__________________?

(A) 70% copper and 30% zinc

(B) 90% copper and 10% tin

(C) 85-92% copper and rest tin with little lead and nickel

(D) 70-78% copper and rest tin

(D) 85-92% copper and rest zinc

Submitted By: Ali Uppal