Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

Pearlite is a combination of___________________?

(A) ferrite and cementite

(B) cementite and gamma iron

(C) ferrite and austenite

(D) ferrite and iron graphite

(D) pearlite and ferrite

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Lead is poured into the joint between two pipes. These pipes may be made of____________________?

(A) cast iron

(B) vitrified clay

(C) asbestos cement

(D) concrete

(D) mild steel

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Austenite rs a combination of_________________?

(A) ferrite and cementite

(B) cementite and gamma iron

(C) ferrite and austenite

(D) ferrite and iron graphite

(D) pearlite and ferrite

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Perminvar alloy having constant permeability is an alloy of________________?

(A) nickel, copper and iron

(B) nickel, copper and zinc

(C) copper, nickel and antimony

(D) iron, zinc and bismuth

(D) antimony, copper and zinc

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Monel metal contains_________________?

(A) 63 to 67% nickel and 30% copper

(B) 88% copper and 10% tin and rest zinc

(C) alloy of tin, lead and cadmium

(D) malleable iron and zinc

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

DuraJomin contains___________________?

(A) 94% aluminium, 4% copper and 0.5% Mn, Mg, Si and Fe

(B) 92.5% aluminium, 40% copper, 2% nickel, and 1.5% Mg

(C) 10% aluminium and 90% copper

(D) 90% magnesium and 9% aluminium with some copper

(D) 94% aluminium and 6% tin

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Phosphor bronze contains____________________?

(A) 0.5% of phosphorous

(B) 1% phosphorous

(C) 2.5% phosphorous

(D) 5% phosphorous

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Delta metal is an alloy of__________________?

(A) copper, zinc and iron

(B) iron, nickel and copper

(C) iron, lead and tin

(D) iron, aluminium and magnesium

(D) copper, zinc and antimony

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following alloys does not contain tin_________________?

(A) white metal

(B) solder admiralty

(C) fusible metal

(D) phosphor bronze

(D) gun metal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Addition of copper to aluminium results in_____________________?

(A) improvement of casting characteristics

(B) improvement of corrosion resistance

(C) one of the best known age and precipitation-hardening systems

(D) improving machinability

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal