An object having 10 kg mass weighs 9.81kg on a spring balance. The value of ‘g’ at this place is _________________?
(A) 10m/sec2
(B) 9.81 m/sec2
(C) 10.2/m sec
(D) 9.75 m/sec2
(D) 9 m/sec
For very great pressures, viscosity of moss gases and liquids__________________?
(A) remains same
(B) increases
(C) decreases
(D) shows erratic behavior
(D) none of the above
Viscosity of water in comparison to mercury is_________________?
(A) higher
(B) lower
(C) same
(D) higher/lower depending on temperature
(D) unpredictable
The bulk modulus of elasticity___________________?
(A) has the dimensions of 1/pressure
(B) increases with pressure
(C) is large when fluid is more compressible
(D) is independent of pressure and viscosity
(D) is directly proportional to flow
The value of the coefficient of compressibility for water at ordinary pressure and temperature in kg/cm is equal to_________________?
(A) 1000
(B) 2100
(C) 2700
(D) 10,000
(D) 21,000
Units of surface tension are____________________?
(A) energy/unit area
(B) distance
(C) both of the above
(D) it has no units
(D) none of the above
For manometer, a better liquid combination is one having ___________________?
(A) higher surface tension
(B) lower surface tension
(C) surface tension is no criterion
(D) high density and viscosity
(D) low density and viscosity
Alcohol is used in manometer, because____________________?
(A) its vapour pressure is low
(B) it provides suitable meniscus for the inclined tube
(C) its density is less
(D) it provides longer length for a given pressure difference
(D) it provides accurate readings
The property of fluid by virtue of which it offers resistance to shear is called________________?
(A) surface tension
(B) adhesion
(C) cohesion
(D) viscosity
(D) all of the above
Choose the correct relationship ?
(A) specific gravity = gravity x density
(B) dynamicviscosity = kinematicviscosity x density
(C) gravity = specific gravity x density
(D) kinematicviscosity = dynamicviscosity x density
(D) hydrostaticforce = surface tension x gravity