Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

A reactor capable of converting a ferrite material into fissile isotopes is called____________________?

(A) regenerative reactor

(B) fast breeder reactor

(C) breeder reactor

(D) boiling water reactor

(D) ferrite reactor

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Electron-volt is the unit of________________?

(A) atomic power

(B) energy

(C) voltage

(D) radio activity

(D) there is no such unit.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The risk of radioactive hazard is greatest in the turbine with following reactor___________________?

(A) pressurised water

(B) boiling water

(C) gas cooled

(D) liquid metal cooled

(D) all of the above.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Supertheated steam is generated in following reactor________________?

(A) boiling water

(B) gas cooled

(C) pressurised water

(D) all of the above

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The energy produced by a thermal reactor of same size as a breeder reactor is__________________?

(A) almost same

(B) slightly more

(C) slightly less

(D) much less

(D) much more.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The size of the reactor is said to be critical when_________________?

(A) chain reaction can be initiated

(B) it becomes uncontrollable

(C) it explodes

(D) it produces no power

(D) it produces tremendous power

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In triggering fission, which type of neutrons are more effective_________________?

(A) fast

(B) slow

(C) in bulk

(D) static

(D) activated

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Breeder reactors employ liquid metal coolant because it_______________?

(A) acts as good moderator

(B) produces maximum steam

(C) transfers heat from core at a fast rate

(D) breeds neutrons

(D) increases rate of reaction in core

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Reactors for propulsion applications use_________________?

(A) natural uranium

(B) molten lead

(C) any form of uranium

(D) thorium

(D) plutonium

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A pressurised water reactor employs pressuriser for the following application________________?

(A) to maintain constant pressure in primary circuit under varying load

(B) to Supply high pressure steam

(C) to increase pressure of water in primary circut

(D) to provide subcooled water at high pressure

(D) all of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal