Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

The presence of reflector in nuclear power plants results in___________________?

(A) increased production of neutrons

(B) complete absorption of neutrons

(C) controlled production of neutrons

(D) decreased leakage of neutrons

(D) decrease of speed of neutrons

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The efficiency of a nuclear power plant in comparison to conventional and nuclear consideration is__________________?

(A) higher cost of nuclear fuel

(B) high initial cost

(C) high heat rejection in condenser

(D) lower temperature and pressure condi-tions

(D) nuclear hazard risk

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Heat transfer takes place as per ________________?

(A) zeroth law of thermodynamics

(B) first law of thermodynamic

(C) second law of the thermodynamics

(D) Kirchoff’s law

(D) Stefan’s law

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Which of the following type of pump is used in liquid metal cooled reactor for circulation of liquid metal_________________?

(A) centrifugal

(B) axial

(C) reciprocation

(D) electromagnetic

(D) diaphragm

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

A boiling water reactor uses following as fuel________________?

(A) enriched uranium

(B) plutonium

(C) thorium

(D) U

(D) natural uranium.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In nuclear fission___________________?

(A) the original elements change into completely different elements

(B) the electrons of the element change

(C) the molecules rearrange themselves to form other molecules

(D) none of the above

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

For economical operation of a nuclear plant__________________?

(A) used fuel should be reprocessed

(B) moderator should be used

(C) coolant should be employed

(D) control rods should be used

(D) reflector should be used

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Each fission of U235 produces following number of fast neutrons per fission________________?

(A) 1 neutron

(B) 1 — neutrons

(C) 1 – 2 neutrons

(D) 2 — neutrons

(D) infinite

Submitted By: Ali Uppal