Mechanical Engineering Mcqs

First law of thermodynamics furnishes the relationship between______________________?

(A) heat and work

(B) heat, work and properties of the system

(C) various properties of the system

(D) various thermodynamic processes

(D) heat and internal energy

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In an isothermal process, the internal energy________________?

(A) increases

(B) decreases

(C) remains constant

(D) first increases and then decreases

(D) first decreases and then increases

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The index of compression n tends to reach ratio of specific heats y when____________________?

(A) flow is uniform and steady

(B) process is isentropic

(C) process is isothermal

(D) process is isentropic and specific heat does not change with temperature

(D) process is isentropic and specific heat changes with temperature

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The term N.T.P. stands for________________________?

(A) nominal temperature and pressure

(B) natural temperature and pressure

(C) normal temperature and pressure

(D) normal thermodynamic practice

(D) normal thermodynamic pressure

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

In an isothermal process, the internal energy of gas molecules________________?

(A) increases

(B) decreases

(C) remains constant

(D) may increase/decrease depending on the properties of gas

(D) shows unpredictable behaviour

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

One watt is equal to__________________?

(A) 1 Nm/s

(B) 1 N/mt

(C) 1 Nm/hr

(D) 1 kNm/hr

(D) 1 kNm/mt

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

For which of the following substances, the gas laws can be used with minimum error_________________?

(A) dry steam

(B) wet steam

(C) saturated steam

(D) superheated steam

(D) steam at atmospheric pressure

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

The value of the product of molecular weight and the gas characteristic constant for all the gases in M.K.S. unit is______________________?

(A) 29.27 kgfm/mol°K

(B) 8314kgfm/mol°K

(C) 848kgfm/mol°K

(D) 427kgfm/mol°K

(D) 735 kgfm/mol°K

Submitted By: Ali Uppal

Universal gas constant is defined as equal to product of the molecular weight of the gas and_______________?

(A) specific heat at constant pressure

(B) specific heat at constant volume

(C) ratio of two specific heats

(D) gas constant

(D) unity.

Submitted By: Ali Uppal