A 3-year old patient reports of painless progressive bilateral facial swellings. The tentative diagnosis is______________?
(A) Cherubism
(B) Monostotic fibrous dysplasia
(C) Ployostotic fibrous dysplasia
(D) Central giant cell granuloma
The primary causative factor for myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome of the TMJ is_______________?
(A) Infratemporal space infection
(B) Auriculotemporal neuritis
(C) Muscular overextension and over contraction
(D) Otitis media
Down’s syndrome is associated with all except__________________?
(A) Retrognathia
(B) Periodontal disease
(C) Premature loss off deciduous teeth
(D) Delayed eruption of deciduous teeth
The most common cause of TMJ ankylosis is______________?
(A) Trauma
(B) Osteoarthritis
(C) Childhood illness
(D) Rheumatoid arthritis
Alkaline phosphatase increases in_____________?
(A) Pagets disease
(B) Osteopetrosis
(C) Cherubism
(D) Fibrous dysplasia
(D) A and D
Complication of Rheumatoid arthritis of condyle is______________?
(A) Fibrous ankylosis
(B) Subluxation
(C) Dislocation
(D) None of the above
Of the following which is most common disorder causing pain about the masticatory apparatus including the TMJ_____________?
(A) Traumatic arthritis
(B) Trigeminal neuralgia
(C) Myofacial pain dysfunction syndrome
(D) Degenerative arthritis
Biochemical abnormality associated with osteogenesis imperfecta is increase in______________?
(A) Alkaline phosphatase
(B) Acid phosphatase
(C) Bicarbonate ion
(D) Phosphorylase enzyme
The treatment for a child with cherubism is______________?
(A) surgical excision
(B) cosmetic surgery after puberty
(C) radiation
(D) Enbloc dissection
A patient complains of loss of visual acuity, deafness and enlargement of maxilla_______________?
(A) Paget’s disease
(B) Osteomalacia
(C) Fibrous dysplaisa
(D) Osteogenesis imperfecta