Developing Ameloblasts are effected by the ingestion of high fluoride content water resulting in______________?
(A) Turners tooth
(B) Hutchinson’s teeth
(C) Mottled enamel
(D) Moon’s molars
A permanent tooth with a local hypoplastic deformity in a crown is called_______________?
(A) Turner’s tooth
(B) Taurodontism
(C) Enameloma
(D) Ghost teeth
True generalized microdontia is characterized by______________?
(A) Small teeth with large jaws
(B) Small teeth with small jaws
(C) Smaller teeth than the normal
(D) Large teeth with small jaws
A deep pit lined by enamel seen in the lingual surface of Maxillary lateral incipor is most likely to be_______________?
(A) Dens in dente
(B) Enamel Hypoplasia
(C) Talon’s cusp
(D) Enamel Pearl
Which of the following lesions does not give blood on aspiration_______________?
(A) Heamagioma
(B) Static bone cyst
(C) Central giant cell granuloma
(D) Aneursycimal bone cyst
Absence of pulp chambers is seen in_______________?
(A) Craniofacial dysostosis
(B) Dentinogenesis imperfecta
(C) Amelogenesis imperfecta
(D) None of the above
The most common supernumerary tooth form is______________?
(A) Tuberculated
(B) Conical
(C) Screw shaped
(D) Incisor shaped
Fordyce’s spots are________________?
(A) Fat tissue embedded in buccal mucosa
(B) Red spots
(C) Present on the cheek mucosa lateral to angle of the mouth
(D) All of the above
Hypoplastic defects in permanent central and lateral incisors are likely to result due to severe illness or other factors during_______________?
(A) First nine month of life
(B) First two years of life
(C) First month of life
(D) Two or three years of life
Gardner syndrome does not include______________?
(A) Osteomas
(B) Epidermoid cysts
(C) Osteosarcoma
(D) Impacted permanent teeth