Argentaffinoma is characterized by excess excretion of_____________?
(A) 5- Hydroxy indole acetate
(B) 3- Hydroxy phenyl pyruvate
(C) Phenyl lactate
(D) Phenyl acetate
The primary role of chaperones is to help in______________?
(A) Protein synthesis
(B) Protein degradation
(C) Protein denaturation
(D) Protein folding
Precursor of melanin is________________?
(A) Phenylalanine
(B) Tryptophan
(C) Tyrosine
(D) Methionine
One of the following is not an amino acid______________?
(A) Glycine
(B) Hydroxy proline
(C) Glutamic acid
(D) Choline
Alkaptonuria, an inherited metabolic disorder of L0tyrosine metabolism is due to lack of_____________?
(A) Parahydroxy phenyl pyruvate Hydroxylase
(B) Tyrosine transaminase
(C) Homogentisate oxidase
(D) Tyrosine oxidase
The nitrogen of the body is supplied by______________?
(A) Triacyl glycerol
(B) Proteins
(C) Glucose
(D) Lipids
Digestion of proteins is initiated by________________?
(A) Amylase
(B) Sucrase
(C) Chymotrypsin
(D) Pepsin
Collagen is rich in_____________?
(A) Glutamate and glycine
(B) Alanine and glycine
(C) Proline and glycine
(D) Glutamate and proline
Which one of the following amino acids is purely ketogenic ?
(A) Proline
(B) Phenylalanine
(C) Isoleucine
(D) Leucine