Distal contact of upper first premolar is________________?
(A) Lower than mesial contact area
(B) Little cervical to junction of occlusal and middle third of crown
(C) Higher than mesial contact area
(D) A and B
Mesial contact area of the permanent canine is at the______________?
(A) Middle third
(B) Junction of the incisal and middle thirds
(C) Junction of the middle and cedrvical thirds
(D) None of the above
Which of the following do not contribute to arch stability ?
(A) Cusps
(B) Root forms
(C) Embrasures
(D) Periodontal fibers
Contact areas of anterior teeth which are placed in centre of middle third ____________?
(A) Mesial contacts of maxillary lateral and canine
(B) Distal contacts of maxillary centrals and laterals
(C) Distal contacts of maxillary laterals and canine
(D) Mesial contacts of maxillary first and second premolar
Which four mandibular teeth are so aligned that when viewed from the occlusal, a straight line may be drawn bisecting the contact areas_____________?
(A) 5,6,7,8
(B) 4,5,6,7
(C) 3,4,5,6
Which of the following are the unctions of contact areas______________?
(A) Distribution of occlusal stresses
(B) Protection of periodontium
(C) Stabilization of dental arches
(D) All of the above
Buccal surface of posterior teeth are wider than lingual surface mesiodistally except in______________?
(A) Maxillary first molar
(B) Mandibular second premolar
(C) Mandibular first molar
(D) Maxillary second premolar
Protective crests of contour on buccal and lingual surfaces are found______________?
(A) In the middle third of the lingual
(B) Nearest the occlusal third of the lingual
(C) In the cervical third of the buccal
(D) Both A and C
The interdental papilla is located in the______________?
(A) Facial embrasure
(B) Lingual embrasure
(C) Cervical embrasure
(D) Occlusal embrasure
The primary centre of formation of each lobe is present in_____________?
(A) Apex of the root
(B) Tip of the cusp
(C) Centre of the crown
(D) Centre of the tooth