The fusion of two bony structures with a ligament is known as_______________?
(A) Synostosis
(B) Synchondrosis
(C) Diarthrosis
(D) syndesmosis
Which part of the body is underdeveloped at birth_____________?
(A) Eyes
(B) Ears
(C) Face
(D) Brain
Which of the following is a derivative of the second brachial cleft________________?
(A) Tympanic cavity
(B) Meckel’s cartilage
(C) Palatine tonsil
(D) Tongue base
Which of the following is not a neuroectodermal derivative ?
(A) Paneth cells
(B) Neurons
(C) Schwann cells
(D) Odontoblasts
A person showing two cell lines drived from one zygote is__________________?
(A) Chimerism
(B) Mosaicism
(C) Segregation
(D) Pseudo – dominance
Neural tube formation occurs on___________?
(A) 18 to 23 days post fertilization and is the second stage of craiofacial development
(B) 28 to 38 days post fertilization and is the third stage of craniofacial development
(C) 42 to 55 days post fertilization and is the fourth stage of craniofacial development
(D) 17 the day post fertilization and is the first stage of craniofacial development
Tongue develops from all of the following except_______________?
(A) Tuberculum impar
(B) Hypobranchial eminence
(C) Lingual swellings
(D) Arytenoid swellings
The posterior part of the tongue develops from_________________?
(A) First Arch
(B) Third Arch
(C) Second Arch
(D) All of the above
Embryologically hard palate develop from________________?
(A) Maxillary process
(B) Lateral palatine process
(C) Frontonasal process
(D) All of the above
The primary germ layer endoderm is derived from_____________?
(A) Embryonal disc
(B) Yolk sac
(C) Amniotic cavity
(D) Palacenta